White Medieval dress
Image: Richard Wakefield - Click here for more informationModel: Maxine Timmerman
Measuring for your dress
Taking measurements for your dress, gown or clothing is very important. The accuracy of the measurements that you supply Vendetta Couture are vital to ensure we make you the best fitting garment we can. This page will guide you through the best way to get accurate measurements and then you can send these to us so that we can create your garment. You don't want to be giving us the wrong one!
Most people have a good idea what their measurements are, but rather than assuming you know, you need to get an accurate measurements. You can certainly get a good approximation handling the measuring tape yourself but it might be handy to ask someone to help you.
When taking most of these measurements use a cloth tape measure, not a metal one, although one of these will be handy for some measurements (base of neck to ground, for example). Make sure that, when you circle your chest, waist, or hips, the tape is level and neither too tight nor too loose. Also measure yourself on your bare skin, not over clothes. And this may sound silly, but don't trust your memory and be sure to write the measurements down immediately so that you don't get confused, you don't want to be giving us the wrong one!
Measurement converter
inches = . . . . . . cmcentimeters = . . . . . . inches
We will accept measurements in centimeters or inches. Use this measurement converter if you require.
Please note: When taking measurements around any part of your body try and keep the tape measure level all the way around. Use a mirror if this helps. It's always better to get someone to help you if possible.

Measurements guide
Please note: this is NOT your bra size. With a tape measure, measure around the fullest part of your bust. With your tape measure, place one end at the fullest part of your bust, wrap it around your body, under your armpits, around your shoulder blades, and back to the front.
BUnder bust
Measure directly underneath your bust, this is could also be described as your rib cage circumference if you like. Place your tape measure directly under your bust, wrap it around your body and back to the front.
This is the narrowest part of your middle or usually about 3-5cm (1 1/2" - 2") above your navel (belly button). Use the tape to measure the circumference of your waist at your natural waistline, this is located above your navel (belly button) and below your rib cage. Resist the urge to pull in your stomach as this will only give a false measurement.
Hips and bottom, measure around the fullest part of your hips. To best measure the circumference of your hips, Start at one hip and wrap the tape measure around your bottom, then around the other hip, and back to where you started. Make sure the tape is over the fullest part of your hips. Making sure the tape is level all the way around can be difficult, you could try in front of a mirror.
Back length measurements
Start from the base of your neck at the back, feel for the vertebrae at the base of your neck.
EBack length to waist
Start as described as above starting from the base of the neck, down your back to your waist
FBack length to the ground
Starting from the base of the neck at the back down to the ground. If you want to wear heels with the outfit, then take this measurement wearing the shoes to get the correct length.
Arm length measurements
GShoulder to elbow
Starting right on the edge of the shoulder curve (the bone joining your arm to the shoulder) measure down to your elbow point, it's easier to do this with your arm bent.
HShoulder to wrist
As above, starting on the edge of your shoulder (the bone joining your arm to the shoulder) keeping your arm bent measure down to the elbow and then continue to the wrist.
IAround the upper arm
Your biceps, measure around the fullest part of your upper arm.
JShoulder length
From the side of your neck to the edge of the curve of the shoulder (the bone joining your arm to the shoulder).
KAcross the back
A little tricky to explain. We want the measurement from one side of your back to the other side but not including your arm. So if you imagine a join line coming down from your shoulder where your arms join your torso. Measure from here across to the other side.
LNeckline height
Starting at your neck shoulder point, take the tape measure straight down to the desired height of the neckline.
MLacing height
Starting at your neck shoulder point, take the tape measure straight down go over the curve of your bust and then under it. The measurement is to make sure that the top lacing on the outfit starts right underneath your bust.